Motorsport photos about WRC, Formula 1 and something else.
RaceWKND! - Kuopio 2020
RaceWKND! - Kuopio, Finland 2020, saturday. Powerboat race weekend.
Rally Finland 2001 - 2019
2020 would ne 20th rally Finland for me but covid changed plans and rally was cancelled. I wanted to publis gallery from the 2001 to 2019, one image per year.
Neste Rally Finland 2019
I think this was the coldest rally Finland since 2001 when I was here fist time
Neste Rally Finland 2018
Rally Finland 2018 was held in very hot conditions. Temperatures were almost +30 degrees all the weekend. I had time to go to seven special stages.
Neste Rally Finland 2017
There was again great weather during rally Finland weekend except short showers on Friday. Finn drivers hasn’t had such a great success lately than before but now our drivers were taking top 4. Photos about 8 special stages and the podium ceremony.
Neste Rally Finland 2016
Rally Finland 2016 photo gallery. Stages included: Harju, Mökkiperä and Surkee.